
HB 4000 connect

HB 4000 connect – sodobne talilne naprave v modularni zasnovi

Talilne naprave HB 4000 connect je mogoče natančno prilagoditi individualnim zahtevam najrazličnejših proizvodnih področij. 7-palčni domači zaslon ima pregledno strukturo menijev, ki omogoča intuitivno upravljanje. Rešitev, ki temelji na modularnem principu, prepriča z učinkovitostjo in varčnostjo. Uporabljene komponente temeljijo na elementih priznanih proizvajalcev. V to serijo je vgrajena preverjena industrijska elektronika podjetij Lenze, Siemens, Festo in Weidmüller.

Talilne naprave s serijskim tlačnim senzorjem

Stalno ponavljajoči se delovni procesi zahtevajo enakomeren dovod lepila. Pri novi seriji HB 4000 connect je tlačni senzor standardno že vgrajen.

Stalna kontrola: dozirni števec

Vse naše talilne naprave lahko nadzorujete z vgrajeno funkcijo dozirnega števca (g/m² – g/sek – g/m²).

Prikaz tlaka in števila vrtljajev

Elektronsko reguliranje tlaka in prikaz števila vrtljajev lahko krmilite in odčitate prek zaslona na dotik.

Popolnoma opremljeno, vključno s tedensko stikalno uro

Osnovna oprema s tedensko stikalno uro, števcem obratovalnih ur, menijem receptov, upravljanjem uporabnikov in geslom.

Rezultati 1 - 12 od 12
Call sublayout: products_buehnen

HB 4006 connect

The melter has a 4-litre non-stick melt tank with a buffer volume. This enables uninterrupted operation when refilling adhesive. The HB 4006 connect can be configured with up to two gear pumps. The hermetically sealable system is suitable for processing PUR or POR hot-melt adhesives.

HB 4022 connect

The melter has a 22-litre non-stick melt tank with a buffer volume. This enables uninterrupted operation when refilling adhesive. The HB 4022 connect can be configured with up to two gear pumps. The hermetically sealable system is suitable for processing PUR or POR hot-melt adhesives.

HB 4070 connect

The melter has a 7-litre stainless steel tank and enables gentle melting of PA hot-melt adhesives in the form of granules, pillows or blocks up to 200 °C. The use of two different tank materials with different thermal conductivity protects the hot-melt adhesive from thermal stress. Optionally available as a high-temperature version.

HB 4100 connect

EVA, PSA and PO hot-melt adhesives can be heated up quickly in the 10-liter tank. The adhesives can be processed gently in the form of granules, blocks or pillows. The modern 7”colour touch display enables intuitive operation of the melter.

HB 4110 connect

Heated hot-melt adhesive applicator with a 110-litre aluminium storage tank. Gear pump sizes from 10 to 300 kg/h can be used. Suitable for processing EVA, PO, PA and pressure-sensitive hot-melt adhesives in the form of granules, pillows or blocks up to 200 °C. Optionally available as a high-temperature version up to 230 °C.

HB 4130 connect

Heated hot-melt adhesive applicator with a 110-litre aluminium storage tank. Gear pump sizes from 10 to 300 kg/h can be used. Suitable for processing EVA, PO, PA and pressure-sensitive hot-melt adhesives in the form of granules, pillows or blocks up to 200 °C. Optionally available as a high-temperature version up to 230 °C.

HB 4150 connect

Heated hot-melt adhesive applicator with a 15-litre stainless steel storage tank. The use of two different tank materials with different thermal conductivity protects the hot-melt adhesive from thermal stress. Suitable for processing PA hot-melt adhesives in the form of granules, pillows or blocks up to 200 °C. Optionally available as a high-temperature version up to 230 °C.

HB 4200 connect

The 20-litre melter enables gentle melting of hot-melts in the normal temperature range. The hot-melt adhesive is conveyed by means of a gear pump. The system can be equipped with one or two pumps. All information is clearly displayed on the touch screen.

HB 4250 connect

Heated hot-melt adhesive applicator with a 25-litre stainless steel storage tank. The use of two different tank materials with different thermal conductivity protects the hot-melt adhesive from thermal stress. Suitable for processing, among other things, PA hot-melt adhesives in the form of granules, pillows or blocks up to 200 °C. Also optionally available as a high-temperature version up to 230 °C.

HB 4450 connect

Heated hot-melt adhesive applicator with a 45-litre aluminium storage tank. Suitable for processing, among other things, EVA, PO, PA and pressure-sensitive hot-melt adhesives in the form of granulates, pillows or blocks up to 200 °C. Optionally available as a high-temperature version up to 230 °C.

HB 4650 connect

The melter with the 65-litre tank is compact in design and easy to maintain. The large-volume device filter has a long service life. The filter block is made of high-strength aluminium. Due to the possibility of using different gear pumps, the individual production conditions can be addressed. Optionally available as a high-temperature version up to 230 °C.

HB 4800 connect

Blocks, large pillows and large quantities of granules can be melted in the 80-litre stainless steel melting tank. Up to two gear pumps can be installed and enable a delivery rate of 160 kg/h. The adhesive conveyance by means of a precision gear pump and a special maintenance-free AC/converter drive, as well as a start-up safeguard and a temperature reduction as a “standby” function, ensure maximum operating efficiency. Optionally available as a high-temperature version up to 230 °C.
