Hot Tip – Rule of thumb: 500 hours = Filter change

A reduction in the amount of hot-melt adhesive is not always due to pressure being too low. Often, it is simply that the filters are contaminated and need to be changed. For example, the systems of the HB6000 series and applicator heads are equipped as standard with a pump filter (100mesh). The filter prevents the entry of impurities and burnt hot-melt adhesive residues that are conveyed by the pump into the hot melt hose and applicator head or the handgun.

The frequency of filter change depends on the specific application. The following factors influence the frequency of changes:


  • The type and purity of the hot-melt adhesives used
  • The processing temperature of the hot-melt adhesive
  • The adhesive consumption in conjunction with the time the adhesive remains in the     container
  • Change of type of adhesive used


Save yourself experimentation and use the simple rule of thumb:

500 operating hours,

but at least 1x p.a.

= time to change the filter